Saturday, November 05, 2005

Early Home

Haven't blogged for a bit - I'm also due to phone my mom back... Been busy with some more exams and assignments and stuff. Getting through all that once again. I am waiting patiently for my practicum assignment to be announced. I was very happy with all the interviews although I am usually way too nervous. The only one I didn't like as much was with the Police Service. I was able to point out things during the interview that demonstrated my knowledge but the guy interviewing me didn't ask me many questions about me or my skills so I felt like he already had someone in mind or something like that...

Soccer went off to a good start - we won our first game. I am back on defense and I am not sure how that will turn out... I don't know that I will get much playing time in coming games since competition is tight and my only chance to stand out for games is to play well in practice and practice is always after I work until 3am and go to class starting at 8am and going most of the day and then mustering energy to hit a 9:30pm practice. I try and nap in the evening but it almost always makes me feel more tired than when I tried to catch some Zzz's...

Daisy pictures will be forthcoming tomorrow since Steve is off to a stag party for pretty much the whole day.

Cheers and my first appointment was great Mom!


At 3:11 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, thank goodness you are back to blogging! I check daily so really feel happy when there is something new posted!
Katie Boorman had a baby boy today - it is also her dad's birthday - so Mike phoned earlier this morning to "proudly" give us the news!! That's my "new" news!
It is raining here - and GREY!!!!
I have been waiting for the Daisy Photos - how did Halloween partying go for you guys, anyway?
It sounds like your interviews were not so stressful - maybe it is knowing that you know exactly what you want and have the needed qualifications. Going to practice your skills will be a nice change from the classroom!
I know you will love the results of your laser appointments when they are complete - even after only a few days & after this first one.
Do phone!
I have booked the Robson Suites for six nights - December 22 - 27!


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