Monday, July 11, 2005

Work Stretch of Death

No pic today! Mom - Steve loved your post and so did I! You should've told us about Chyna's birthday - we celebrated Daisy's with a few cans of soft food to which she isn't used to. I bought Daisy a dog gate today so hopefully the gate will give her enough room without feeling trapped and naughty. I left her alone for a few hours this afternoon while Steve and Mike were golfing and Daisy found some muffins left in Steve's work bag. I am now starting my 5 weeks of hell. I am catching up from taking a spring class and not working. I will be working Monday thru Monday (10-6 this week until friday and then every day after that 8-4 until July 31st ) This is on top of Wednesdays 9pm - 3am and Saturdays 9pm - 3am... I will be working for what will seem like forever for 5 weeks to catch up. I will miss Steve and our 2 year anniversary mostly to work. I won't be home before 6pm on that night. Throw in soccer Tues/Thurs/Sun on top of bar work W/Sat and no days off for the next five weeks when I work pretty much 8 -4 and have to be up in time to be there by 8am and you realize that I will be up by 6am every morning and I wont be homew by 5pm at best... long days but I am trying to make the best of my last year and the future thought of loan payments. I hope Steve can deal with my work overload...


At 6:16 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

My first response went to your email address because I hit the envelope instead of the comment thingy!
I know you can get up and get going each day - so just work hard and the time will go quickly. Steve will have to give double love to Daisy - and pay attention to Chyna too.
Maybe Steve will make the suppers since he gets home early. You might enjoy getting up at the same time time - you will be able to rely on Steve as your alarm clock.
Michael told me that he tries to get home at lunchtime if he is anywhere close to home so perhaps the girls won't be terribly lonely!!!!
I will send you positive energy bursts thru my thoughts each day!
Love you!

At 9:12 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi again!
How come your blog looks so different than Steve's? I do like the colored background in yours. Is that the primary difference? Also, on Steve's you cannot be anonymous!
Anyway, it sounds like both of you are going to be extremely busy for the next while - talk to Michael and remind him of your schedules so he and Carrie will make time for the girls - they will be feeling very needy!!!!
I am thinking of you right now - feel those good vibrations?????
Love you!

At 4:09 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me again!
I am thinking of you right now!
Do a great job of all your responsibilities - you CAN do it!!!
Make time to cuddle the girls for me!!!!


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