Thursday, March 15, 2007

New Place

Well here we are in our new place... I can't figure out yet why they gave us possession yet... We still have no phone lines, the lock to our utility room doesn't match any key we were given, the cigarette burn is still in our window frame - we still have no screens on the windows, our dishwasher doesn't drain, we have no shelves for our kitchen cupboards, no toilet paper holders in the bathrooms, dings in doors and cupboards, cracked tile in our patio... I figure we are lucky we had the person come in to hang our blinds and another to hook up our washing machine. I've tried phoning both the builders and our lawyer and nobody seems to either want to bother to phone us back or to take care of anything. We would love to change lawyers to someone who actually cared about the condition of our place but apparently if we switched at this point they could place a lien on our property based on "work done" paperwork wise. I can't see how anyone gets anything done these days as we have been brushed off and literally pooped on every step of the way. Anyone know of any recourse? Can we sue and win? Will any things get done so we can really unpack???? (sorry I used the word poop)

Monday, March 05, 2007

Maui 2007

Snorkelling tastes bad.
Pssst no more beer for you.
Body Boarding!
Where we stayed.
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Maui 2007

Giant Tree!
Steve the shuffleboard model...
Giant Bee!
Big Beach!
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Maui 2007

This is what I spent most of my time doing.
Steve the utensil model...

Steve - Big Beach model...
MMmmmm Mai Tai
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Maui 2007

This is Steve watching the Stupor Bowl... he later walked through a mesh fence!
I took lots of pictures of birds for reasons Steve can't figure out.

Here is Steve the lavarock model. BLUE STEEL
Here is me and my new friend Skitters!
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Maui 2007

I'm finally attempting to post again about Hawaii...

Here is the pool we spent so many hours and beers at.

Here is a roadside view of our accomodations!
Here is Steve doing the Running Man!
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