Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Dogs and more dogs...

Seems like all we take pictures of these days is Daisy. So lets share the wealth - you can find the rest on Flickr... Mom --> please make a note somewhere that we still have a present we never gave you. I forgot to give it to you again while you were here.

Christmas in Vancouver

Here are some of the pics of us and the dogs while we were out in Vancouver for the holidays...

Monday, February 20, 2006


My soccer team has been having some numbers issues as of late. I managed to get most of them in for a spin class a week or so ago. I think everyone had fun after they realized they were going to last longer than 5 minutes. I think we were all sore after but I blame the seats, not the workout. Here are some pics of us kicking some bike ass. It seems totally ironic that I am complaining of low numbers for our team on the one weekend I had to go away and miss a game. I haven't found out the results yet but I'm desperately hoping we won. Big thanks going out to my lastnamesake Tara Silzer for putting us through our paces. I think we both always grew up being asked about each other but it wasn't until I started at World Health that we actually met. Super cool chick!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Condo Update

Here ya go Mom!