Monday, July 02, 2007

Canada Day 2007

Here are me and the Daisy standing next to our newly landscaped deck area. The tree already looks like it is dying. Fireworks were enjoyed mere minutes after the photos and we only had to walk a block to check them out without any worries of traffic snarls across bridges or riots although some guy parking his vehicle in the alley randomly started swearing at an invisible person as he got out of his vehicle.
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Vancouver 2007

On our last day in Van we decided to check out the aquarium. Some things are way more fun when you are a small child, such as the miniature train in Stanley Park which I give a huge thumbs down. The aquarium however was still totally cool. A few highlight include watching some otters get their dinner, a few dolphin tricks, a sloth hiding up in the far reaches of the amazon exhibit and this fast bastard pictured above. We must've stood there and watched him for 15 minutes.
These guys look fake but I watched them long enough to see them both at least blink.
As for this guy I just seem to like taking pictues of birds.
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Vancouver 2007

We made several trips into Stanley Park and discovered a few interesting bits and birds. There were peacocks randomly walking around the Mounted Police enclosure and they had a little rooster buddy hanging out in the bushes with them.

I spied this book and bottle from the distance and went to investigate as it was kind of in the middle of nowhere. Turns out to be a bottle of balsamic vinegar sitting on top of a bible... odd.
This is Steve on the patio at what my mom tells me is a fancy restaurant, Joe Fortes, that she has never had the pleasure of going to. We just chose it because we wanted to sit on a nice looking patio and enjoy the little bit of sun we got for the day. Of course we sat down and the sun went behind the clouds but it was still a nice lunch. Excellent mussels and I'm not really a mussels fan.
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Vancouver 2007

Steve and I decided to take a sunset dinner cruise. The food was ok - we both had salmon. Although it rained all day I made the executive decision that we were going to go rain or shine and thankfully the sun decided to make an appearance for the evening.

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