Friday, January 05, 2007

5 Things People Don't Know About Me

Steve tagged me to post 5 things people may not know about me. I've been putting it off and can't think of anything interesting but I'm going to give it a shot...

1) OK I'm stuck already... Uh I was a tom boy when I was little, more into computer games and sports than make up and shopping. That's probably not really a surprise.

2) I'm bilingual. I have an Arts degree with a Major in French Language and Literature and a minor in Paleontology. I started taking french in kindergarten but you rarely hear me speak it. If you ever need someone to decifer the french channel for you give me a shout.

3) In my lifetime I've travelled to every province and territory in Canada (with the exclusion of the newly formed Nunavut) . I've been to England, Ireland, Scotland, Italy, Germany and France. I've travelled to California, Arizona, Washington, Idaho and Hawaii. I've also been to Mexico, Cuba, the Bahamas, the US Virgin Islands and St.Martin. We leave for Hawaii in 3 weeks and next stop according to Steve is somewhere in Europe for the honeymoon (I vote spain or Italy!).

4) I used to weigh 200lbs. I don't think that is earth shattering news but for those who didnt know or wouldn't suspect... there it is.

5) My middle name is Jane. Yay - there ya go.

As for who I am tagging? I tag Helen because hers is one of the only blogs I read, aside from my mom she is likely one of the only people to read this post and no one else I know has a web page.